Why VCU Nursing?

a v.c.u. nursing student smiles at the vesting ceremony

Be your best.

Earn your degree in a top program with the right support. From the moment you come through our doors, you are connected to a dedicated academic coaching and advising team, millions of dollars in annual scholarships and a learning environment that will help you be your best. You’ll learn from a diverse and experienced faculty who are excited to introduce you to the profession.

Our Academic Programs

Cultivating a community of care. The VCU School of Nursing is the recipient of the 2024 Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award — one of only 19 nursing schools in the nation and one of two nursing schools in Virginia to be recognized for outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Insight Into Diversity Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award for 2024 for a health professions school

Nursing Spotlight

a classroom full of students taking notes in a lecture hall in the background with an illustrated version of the v.c.u. mascot rodney the ram in the foreground wearing scrubs and a stethoscope and flexing his bicep muscles

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