Inclusive Excellence and Belonging

No matter who you are, you are welcome here.

Insight Into Diversity Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award for 2024 for a health professions school

Cultivating a Community of Care

The VCU School of Nursing is the recipient of the 2024 Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award — one of only 19 nursing schools in the nation and one of two nursing schools in Virginia to be recognized for outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Our Commitment

The VCU School of Nursing is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment that celebrates and embraces the unique backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences of our students, faculty and staff. We believe diversity enriches the educational experience, cultivates a culturally inclusive nursing workforce and prepares our students to deliver compassionate and patient-centered care to all people.

a pie chart illustrating the racial makeup of the v.c.u. school of nursing in fall 2023 - 50 percent are white, 20 percent are black or african american, 7 percent are hispanic or latinx, 7 percent are two or more races, 1 percent are unknown, and less than 1 percent are american indian or alaskan
Student racial diversity for fall 2023
a pie chart showing that there are 87 percent females, 12 percent males, and one percent not reported
Student gender diversity for fall 2023

Our Actions

Through the following initiatives, we are nurturing a diverse and inclusive environment that celebrates and welcomes the backgrounds, viewpoints and experiences held by our students, faculty and staff.

  • Diversity Plans: Diversity is one of five core themes embedded in the school’s strategic plan, Beyond 125: Connecting Our Legacy to the Future.
  • Inclusive Excellence Council: The Inclusive Excellence Council leads the school in shaping policies, developing practices and coordinating events and programs that foster an inclusive environment. 
  • Inclusive Curriculum: The school has integrated diverse perspectives and case studies into the curriculum through the Essentials of Nursing recommended by the American Association of the Colleges of Nursing, ensuring students are exposed to a range of health care scenarios, reflecting the diversity they will encounter in their future careers.
  • Education: Faculty and staff are required to participate in Stepping-In for Respect training, an interactive workshop to help participants learn active bystander approaches to addressing discriminatory behavior in the health care environment. In addition, the school brings distinguished leaders and clinicians to provide lectures related to inclusion and providing optimal care for diverse populations each year.
  • Community Engagement: The school encourages students to participate in community outreach programs where they can apply their nursing skills in diverse settings, enriching their learning and offering experiences to integrate inclusivity and empathy in delivering health care.
  • Diversity Student Body: The school actively seeks to build a diverse class of students with the background, qualities and skills needed for success in the profession through a holistic admissions process guided by the recommendations of the American Association of College of Nursing
  • Diversity in Faculty: The VCU School of Nursing Recruitment Inclusive Champions Committee leads the school's efforts to actively recruit and retain a diverse group of scholars, instructors and clinicians who will enrich the academic environment with a wide range of perspectives, knowledge and experiences, and deliver a culturally inclusive educational experience for students.
  • Recognizing Diversity and Celebrating Inclusion: The school promotes cultural awareness, celebrates diverse backgrounds and provides a forum for open dialogue and learning through events, lectures and communication campaigns.

Inclusive Excellence Council

The Inclusive Excellence Council is dedicated to creating dialogue and bringing meaningful change to the school and its interactions with the Richmond community. Its members bring the perspectives of faculty, staff, administrators and academic coaches to explore how to enhance and enrich the School of Nursing experience for all.

Recruitment Inclusive Champions

Recruitment Inclusive Champions help to support the search process to ensure that a robust, diverse set of qualified candidates are being considered.